Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are a way to manage rainfall, by replicating the way water behaves in the natural environment. SuDS use rainwater as a resource, allowing it to run across the ground surface or soak into the ground, close to where the rain falls.
The vision for Somerset is that all development will integrate well-designed SuDS to deliver multiple benefits for developers, residents and the environment. Well-designed SuDS manage rainwater above ground, rather than in underground pipes. They do not just provide drainage for a site, but deliver multiple benefits. This includes managing flooding, making attractive places for people to live, improving air and water quality, creating wildlife habitats, and building resilience to climate change.
The Simple SuDS Guide for Local People gives more information on what SuDS are, how they work and how they should be maintained. The Delivering SuDS in the community page of this website provides references to help you to install SuDS within your garden or public spaces in your community.