
In January 2023, Defra announced a decision to implement Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 in England. This will introduce a new framework and national standards for the approval and adoption of SuDS in England, and will make Unitary and County Councils SuDS Approving Bodies. The UK Government is currently considering how Schedule 3 will be implemented.
Image of a development plan with drawing tools

Designers are key to delivering the multi-functional benefits of SuDS, which will contribute to high quality development in Somerset. SuDS in Somerset must meet local SuDS design standards, and follow national best practice.

Collaboration between drainage designers, masterplanners, landscape architects, ecologists and highways engineers at an early stage is cost-effective and maximises the opportunities for integrating SuDS with site landscaping. There is more information aimed at designers on the Susdrain Designers Hub.

This section includes

Developers Designers Community Planners and approvers