Case studies
Over the next few years, Somerset Council will be gathering case studies of developments in Somerset that have well-designed SuDS delivering multiple benefits. These will be showcased on this page.
In the meantime, the Susdrain website has an extensive library of case studies across the UK. This includes details on design and construction, maintenance, challenges, stakeholder engagement and lessons learned.

Preston Academy, Yeovil
In Yeovil scheme, the Yeovil Rivers Community Trust (YRCT) has designed a pond in the grounds of Preston Academy, along the Preston Brook. This will not only help to reduce flooding downstream, but will also benefit pupils’ education and improve the area for wildlife. The school’s governors have approved the pond, subject to various conditions. It will need, for example, to be constructed over the school holidays. The scheme is supervised by the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group South West for the Somerset Rivers Authority.

Somerset SPONGE project
The Somerset SPONGE project, delivered by Westcountry Rivers Trust and Somerset Council, created a network of SuDS into densely built up areas of Taunton. It has helped communities to become greener and more resilient to surface water flooding.