Delivering SuDS in the community

Included in:

SuDS are not confined to new housing developments. There are opportunities to install SuDS in your garden or in public spaces within your community.

Links to useful guides and case studies on community SuDS schemes are provided in this section. For example, the WWT website provides guidance on incorporating SuDS into your garden, while details of many community-led projects in South West England can be found on the Westcountry Rivers Trust website. 


Water butt taking rainwater from house roofWater butt taking rainwater from house roof

Everyone can play a role in bringing SuDS to Somerset. Here are some examples of activities you can carry out as a homeowner:

  • Replacing paved surfaces with grassy and permeable ones, which allow water to soak through e.g. permeable paving on driveway.
  • Fitting SuDS on property, where possible e.g. water butts, rainwater harvesting, green roofs, rain gardens.
  • Incorporate SuDS if you refurbish or extend your property, or build a new property. See Applying for planning permission and Minor developments. 


Communities can act together to push for good quality SuDS in new developments, as well as identifying opportunities to retrofit SuDS into public spaces:

  • Taking an interest in development within the area, and becoming involved with any community engagement events for new developments.
  • Identifying locations which might benefit from retrofit SuDS e.g. parks, car parks, public seating areas. 
  • Raising ideas to the local authority, wildlife organisations, or trying to implement them as a group. 
  • Monitoring the maintenance of SuDS in your community and identifying when/where there are issues. Simple SuDS for Local People provides advice on how to check whether SuDS have been designed correctly and are being maintained.

SuDS projects in Somerset

Here are some examples of SuDS projects in Somerset:

Grassed rill between road and homes in new developmentGrassed rill in new development


Developers Designers Community Planners and approvers